Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Salam Raya

Assalamualaikum and hello to all. Today is the first day of work after a week of spending time with family, relatives, and friends. Not to mention spending time to eat! I always have mixed feeling during Raya (Eid) celebration because I love and hate it at the same time. I love having off days, being with family, visiting friends and relatives. However, I hate being around so much food and feeling obligated to sample at least a cookie (yeah right!) every time I am at someone's house. Nobody can eat just one cookie! Who am I kidding? I love the way my waist line felt in Ramadhan when we were fasting. All the hard work in a month can be destroyed in a few days, what a shame. Anyway, that week is over and now my family and I are back to fasting for another week. My body is thanking me for it. I can almost hear it, thank you, thank you :)

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