Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Activities

Yesterday I started off my day with a half an hour exercise (using a CD) followed by an hour of piano practice. Then Hannah and I were off to our piano lesson as usual. After we finished the class we went shopping for the ingredients to make Tacos and drove straight home to start preparing for the dish. As soon as the cleaning lady finished helping to clear our mass, Steve, Hannah, Najla, and I went to a friend’s sister’s wedding in Semambu. Danial, Yasmin, and Harris stayed home doing what they like best i.e reading novels or playing the computer games. On the way home we stopped at a few shops looking for cloth to make Yasmin’s cadet’s uniform. After we stopped at the third shop and still couldn’t get what we were looking for, we decided it was time to go home. Besides, Danial has been calling us for 3 or 4 times asking us to come home because he needed a ride to his school for a soccer practice. He was supposed to have a soccer match today (Sunday). In late afternoon, Steve and I played tennis at KPTM. We took Harris, Hannah, and Najla along. At night, I watched Terminator 3 on TV with my kids and wrote a few blog entries during commercials.

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