I can’t recall when I started reading “Dreams from My Father” by Barack Obama. It’s an interesting and well written book. He can definitely be a novelist. However, I still can’t finish the book for whatever cosmic reason that might be. For one thing, the font is small, and the language is a bit hard for me to understand. I have to really concentrate when reading Obama’s book, unlike the most recent book I read by Dr. Muhaya which only took me an hour to finish. Now I am contemplating on reading “Ke Mana Wang Anda?” by Hajah Rohani Datuk Hj Mohd Shahir. I bet by the time I finish this one, I will still have many more pages (or chapters) of Obama’s.
Whatever happens, the most important thing is to keep on reading.
Betui betui betui :) My daughter Julia is a big fan of libraries. Kalau tak gi library at least once a week and leaving the library with at least 20 books, memang tak sah. It all started when she was a newborn and till this day hubby without fail would read to her at bedtime. Now they both like to take turn to read one page each :)
And speaking of books you can't seem to finish, I have been reading this mystery novel for the past 3 weeks and I have it on my nightstand. Each night before I go to sleep I could only manage to read not more than 2 pages before I zonked out. My husband told me to give it up but I cakap I kinda like to keep renewing the book because every time I cannot go to sleep, all I have to do is read the novel and voila in less than 2 minutes,sure tido punya :)
I am so grateful that our kids love to read and I am so grateful also that the govt. sent me overseas to study. Otherwise I would probably be lazy to read. We are not so good at taking kids to the public library here because we are always busy with God knows what on Saturdays. But Sunday they are closed. How come I can't get access to your blog?? It's not fair. Let me in, let me in...
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