Friday, July 31, 2009

Bread Making Machine

It was Wednesday 29 July 2009. Again, I had to cancel my exercise routine. I was excited to get my wonderful bread making machine. Izad promised to send it that evening around 6pm. When it was close to six he called from Kemaman and told me he was on the way back to Kuantan and would arrive around “magrib”. He would send the machine after “magrib” prayer. If he told me earlier that he would be late, I would have gone jogging! Around 15 minutes until 8pm he showed up with Lin and their daughter Nabila. My long awaited machine had finally arrived. Lin briefed me on how to operate the machine. I felt bad rushing them because I had to go to my “Harfiah” class at 9.15pm. We just dumped all the ingredients in the machine and left it for 2 hours. Voila! The bread was ready when I got back from my “Harfiah” class. Unfortunately the kids were all asleep. They were excited to see (and eat) the bread the next morning. It was delicious!

Wonder machine
The present which came with the machine. It's a bread cutting guide
Voila! Nice and warm bread


l i e y n said...

my MIL also got one of these machine...
it's from AM.WAY kan?

My Stories and Me said...

Yes maam, you are right. It's great! Senang betul nak buat roti, pau, dan lain-lain buns pun boleh.