What did I do for the Earth Hour last night? Nothing! Absolutely nothing special. I did what I would normally do. Wait a minute. Before anybody starts to judge me, let me explain. What is such a big deal about doing good to our mother earth for one stinking hour if I have been doing it day after day for as long as I can remember. As a practicing Muslim, it is “wajib” (compulsory) for me to safeguard this earth. The holy Qu’ran teaches us to do that and so did our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (peace be upon him). My home doesn’t have any air-con, no home theater systems, no unnecessary gadgets. We certainly do not have a private jet! We do our bit to recycle and reuse old stuff, and we don’t even have hot water! We have been doing it for 365 days a year. So, tell me, is it so wrong if we didn’t participate in turning off lights for an hour?
me wasn't home...so, no lights on gak...heheheheh
i support earth hour!
I know you saved more than many others.. bravo kak M!!!
Good for you Lin. Thanks Neeza. I am tired of some people's attitude of "hangat-hangat tahi ayam". We should all conserve energy and take a very good care of this earth (the only place where we can live!) at all time, not just for one hour a year. I guess it's a good start for some but for me, I do it all the time so I don't have to participate at that particular hour. I don't feel guilty either. Ok tak tu?
memang okay sangat.. keep it up.. save more for the earth.. kami over here pun rasanya saving jugak.. cuma aircond memang kena pasang almost 24 hours now.. kalau tidak, ada yang tak berbaju nanti hehee..
Tak berbaju okay lagi tapi kalau tak berkain? hahaha
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